Del. no Deliverable name WP no Nature Delivery date
D1.1.1 Quality Assurance Plan WP1 R M03
D2.2.1 Definition and characterization of the RePlay Traditional Sports and Games WP2 R M03
D2.2.2 Motion capture challenges for RePlay Traditional Sports and Games WP2 R M05
D2.3.1 Historical evolution of Re-Play Traditional Sports and Games WP2 R M08
 D3.1.1 User requirements of the Re-Play platform WP3 P M06
D3.3.1 General architecture and components of the RePlay platform WP3 P M08
D3.4.1 Standards related to the RePlay platform WP3 P M08
D4.1.1 Low-cost multimodal capture station WP4 R M15
D4.6.1 Partially-integrated low-cost motion capture platform WP4 P M21
D4.6.2 RePlay low-cost hybrid motion capture platform WP4 P M33
D5.1.1 Algorithms for Multimodal Alignment and Synchronisation WP5 P M15
D7.1.1 Methodology and field trials for the evaluation plan for the first-partially-integrated prototype WP7 R M21
D7.2.1 First partially-integrated prototype WP7 P M22
D7.3.1 Evaluation of the first partially-integrated prototype WP7 R M24
D7.1.2 Methodology and field trials for the evaluation plan for the final RePlay prototype WP7 R M33
D7.2.2 Final integrated prototype for final evaluation WP7 P M34
D7.3.2 Final results and recommendations for future developments WP7 R M36
D8.3.1 RePlay Website WP8   M03
D8.3.2 Dissemination plan WP8 R M06
D8.3.3 Report on the first year dissemination activities WP8 R M12
D8.3.4 Report on the second year dissemination and exploitation activities WP8 R M24
D8.3.5 Final report on dissemination activities WP8 R M36
D8.5.3 Handbook of the Project for Other Traditional Sports and Games WP8 R M36
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