La historia del deporte está ligada a la propia existencia de la civilización, probablemente al momento en el que las personas comenzaron a utilizar palos y rocas como instrumentos de caza. El deporte se encuentra inmerso en cualquier elemento social, político, etnográfico y religioso. Independientemente del tamaño de la comunidad, lo practican los niños de cualquier geografía, demostrando su universalidad y accesibilidad. Se puede afirmar que el deporte no sólo refleja la identidad de una sociedad sino que configure dicha sociedad.

Esta vinculación con la sociedad explica la gran diversidad y riqueza de los deportes existentes en todas las culturas. Sólo en Europa, existen más de 3000 deportes y juegos tradicionales.

Sin embargo, muchos de estos deportes y juegos se encuentran en decadencia o incluso en fase de desaparición debido parcialmente a la globalización de un conjunto reducido de deportes y las tendencias hacia prácticas deportivas más individualistas.

Dada la importancia del deporte como un elemento del patrimonio intangible, es fundamental entender, preservar, proteger y promocionar los deportes tradicionales.


Próximos eventos

  • Data Capture of GAA Hand Pass
    Click here to see a 3D representation of one of our captured skills. The skill is the GAA Hand Pass captured with an elite athlete during the project's dedicated motion capture of GAA and Basque Sports, which was the first time ever such skills were the subject of motion capture.
  • News article about us on Silicon Republic
    Silicon Republic: New analytics project to preserve GAA players’ moves for future generations The way GAA is played today will soon be preserved forever,allowing future generations to learn from the likes of Henry Shefflin,through the use of advanced sensors and data analytics,with help from the Insight Centre for Data Analytics.
  • RePlay Technical & End User Advisory Board Meetings
    The final RePlay technical meeting took place 26-28 Jan 2016 in Croke Park, Ireland, head quarters of the GAA. The first two days were devoted to technical discussion and final plans for the RePlay technical prototypes. The final day was devoted to hosting the 3rd meeting of the End User Advisory Board.   Experts from different Traditional Sports and Games from all across Europe (e.g. Tamburello and the Europe is our Playground project) - came to the meeting to learn about RePlay technology. 
  • Newsletters
    Newsletters: Issue 1 August 2013 Issue 2 March 2014 Issue 3 September 2014 Issue 4  March 2015 Issue 5 September 2015
  • Connect with us at booth i28 at ICT 2015, Lisbon, 20th-22nd Oct. 2015
    The RePLay project will have the exhibition booth i28 at one of the European Commission’s premier annual events – ICT 2015. The event will be held at the Centro de Congressos de Lisboa (CCL) in Lisbon.  RePlay project partners will be present to discuss the project and provide demonstrations of the three scenarios of the project. So, please feel free to stop by and learn about the project in person!  

Próximos eventos

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