The forecasted results and S&T objectives of the RePlay project are shown in order of relevance and priority:

  • Objective 1: Through the use of innovative technologies, study, and by leveraging the expertise of leading traditional sports bodies and associated expert associations, provide a truly useful resource for the protection, preservation and promotion of other traditional and minority sports.
  • Objective 2: Establish a methodology, based on bio-mechanical and sports science, which can be applied to the analysis and decomposition of other team and individual sports so that the results of the RePlay project can be extended further to other sports.
  • Objective 3: Create a set of technologies and methodologies that are built as much as is possible from inexpensive and mass market of the shelf components that can be utilised with the methodologies from Objective 2.
  • Objective 4: Capture playing techniques and game dynamics of a selection of Basque and Gaelic sports representative of a larger superset of sports whether traditional or minority.
  • Objective 5: An objective approach to the selection of sensor and capture technologies that will mix the best of marker based, marker less, vision based and sensor based motion capture technologies. The reasoning for the selection of one technology over another will be based on cost and effectiveness.
  • Objective 6: 3D capture, rendering and visualisation of motion capture data that can be used not only as a reference cultural resource, but also for the purposes of TSG coaching in conjunction with inexpensive motion capture technologies by implementing innovative and novel ways of exploiting the content.
  • Objective 7: Conduct a capture programme using a combination of high-grade motion capture equipment and simpler lower costs sensor and camera setups. The objective will be to ensure the capture and preservation, with a high degree of accuracy, of national heroes, but also to ensure that effective and near parity capture can be achieved for the capture of local heroes.
  • Objective 8: 3D rendering of the sporting objects and motion that can be made open source and further used by technologists (outside of our program) to develop innovative interactions beyond the scope of the proposal. These, to a large extent, will future proof the captured data and the aims of the proposal. 


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